Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Well, what can I say? How does one catch up after 2 years of neglecting to post on their blog? It would be easier for me to add pictures if my laptop had an SD card reader, but since it doesn't I have to use the computer at work, download my pictures, email them to myself or put them in my dropbox or on a flashdrive, etc. then access them on my laptop later to add them to posts. I guess I could just blog at work but I have a feeling that would be frowned upon...

In any case, despite the difficulties I am back to blogging! So expect good things, 9 followers of our blog! Interesting posts on various and sundry topics soon to come!


  1. Hooray for coming back to the blogging world. I can't wait to keep up with what you guys are doing.

  2. Yea!! Can't wait to catch up! Miss ya girl.
